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Got some files you don’t want other people to see? Or maybe they’re just cluttering up your Documents folder, and you want to hide them? Here are a few different ways to obscure your files, and when you might want to use each.

得到了一些您不希望其他人看到的文件? 还是它们只是使您的Documents文件夹杂乱无章,而您想隐藏它们? 这里有几种不同的方法来模糊文件,以及何时使用它们。

Editor’s Note: This article, originally published in 2014, used to contain instructions that claimed to password protect folders without extra software. But that trick, while mildly clever, did not actually protect anything behind a password. It involved hiding a folder on your system and using a “password” to unhide it—even though any user could still unhide it without the password. You can still find this trick all over the internet, but we do not recommend using it. It causes loads of problems for many users who don’t know what they’re doing, and the password does nothing to protect you from snoopers—you might as well just hide the file. So, we’ve rewritten the article with instructions on how to hide and/or password protect files, with information on how secure each method really is.

编者注 :本文最初于2014年发布,用于包含声称使用密码保护文件夹而无需其他软件的说明。 但是,这个技巧虽然很巧妙,但实际上并没有保护密码后面的任何内容。 它涉及隐藏系统上的文件夹并使用“密码”取消隐藏它,即使没有密码的任何用户仍然可以取消隐藏它 。 您仍然可以在整个Internet上找到此技巧,但是我们不建议您使用它。 对于许多不知道自己在做什么的用户而言,这会带来很多问题,并且密码无法保护您免遭窥探者的侵害,您最好隐藏文件。 因此,我们用有关如何隐藏和/或用密码保护文件的说明重写了本文,并提供了有关每种方法真正安全性的信息。

选项一:通过一个复选框隐藏任何文件夹 (Option One: Hide Any Folder with a Single Checkbox)

Difficulty: Very Easy Level of Obscurity: Low Level of Security: Low

难度 :非常容易晦涩度 :低安全度 :低

If you’re just looking to hide a couple of folders from view, . This isn’t very good protection against snoopers, because anyone can show hidden folders with a simple settings tweak. It might fool a small child, but it won’t fool anyone with even passing knowledge of computers.

如果您只是想从视图中隐藏几个文件夹,则 。 这并不是针对监听器的很好保护,因为任何人都可以通过简单的设置显示隐藏的文件夹。 它可能会愚弄一个小孩,但是即使通过计算机知识也不会愚弄任何人。

I have, however, found this setting useful for folders I don’t want to see—like the folders my PC games add to my Documents folder. I only want to see my documents, I don’t need to see my Witcher 3 save files.

我有,但是发现这个设定的文件夹,我不希望看到,像我的电脑游戏添加到我的文档文件夹中的文件夹非常有用。 我只想查看我的文档,不需要看我的Witcher 3保存文件。

If that sounds like what you want, the process is really easy. Open Windows’ File Explorer and navigate to the folder or file you want to hide. Right-click on it, select “Properties”, and check the “Hidden” box in the menu that appears. Click “OK” and the folder will disappear from view.

如果这听起来像您想要的那样,那么这个过程真的很容易。 打开Windows的文件资源管理器,然后导航到您要隐藏的文件夹或文件。 右键单击它,选择“属性”,然后在出现的菜单中选中“隐藏”框。 单击“确定”,该文件夹将从视图中消失。

Check out for more detailed information on hidden files in Windows.


If you ever need to access it later, you can show hidden files by clicking the View menu in File Explorer and checking the “Hidden Items” box. (in Windows 7, you’ll have to go to Organize > Folder and Search Options and select “Show Hidden Files, Folders, and Drives” on the View tab instead.) You can .

如果以后需要访问它,可以通过单击文件资源管理器中的“查看”菜单并选中“隐藏的项目”框来显示隐藏的文件。 (在Windows 7中,您必须转到“组织”>“文件夹和搜索选项”,然后在“视图”选项卡上选择“显示隐藏的文件,文件夹和驱动器”。)您可以 。

Remember: this won’t secure your files at all, it will just hide them from view. Anyone with the tiniest bit of know-how can easily find them.

请记住:这根本不会保护您的文件,只会将它们隐藏起来。 拥有最微不足道的专业知识的任何人都可以轻松找到它们。

选项二:使用命令提示符命令将文件夹转换为隐藏的系统文件夹 (Option Two: Turn a Folder Into a Hidden System Folder with a Command Prompt Command)

Difficulty: Medium Level of Obscurity: Medium Level of Security: Low

难度 :中度模糊 :中度安全 :低

Let’s say your snooping sister already knows how to show hidden folders and files in Windows. Who doesn’t, right? Well, there’s another trick that will let you hide a file with a bit of extra obscurity. Anyone will still be able to unhide it if they know what setting to tweak, so this method is not secure—but it doesn’t require extra software and may give you a little extra obscurity from tech-unsavvy individuals.

假设您的侦探妹妹已经知道如何在Windows中显示隐藏的文件夹和文件。 谁不对? 好吧,还有另一个技巧可以让您隐藏文件,使其更加晦涩难懂。 如果任何人都知道要调整的设置,那么任何人仍然可以取消隐藏它,因此此方法并不安全-但是它不需要额外的软件,并且可能会使您对技术娴熟的人有点不了解。

You can read more about this process in . Keep in mind that it requires a bit of command line work, so if you aren’t comfortable working with the Command Prompt and dealing with some of Windows’ deeper settings, this probably isn’t for you.

您可以在阅读有关此过程的更多信息。 请记住,这需要一些命令行工作,因此如果您不习惯使用命令提示符并处理Windows的一些更深层次的设置,则可能不适合您。

Again, we can’t stress this enough: this method is still incredibly insecure. Anyone who knows what they’re doing (or even stumbles upon this very article) will be able to find your files with ease. We wouldn’t use it for anything truly sensitive. For that, we recommend our next two options.

同样,我们不能对此施加足够的压力: 这种方法仍然非常不安全 。 任何知道自己在做什么(甚至偶然发现本文的人)都可以轻松找到您的文件。 我们不会将它用于任何真正敏感的事情。 为此,我们建议接下来的两个选项。

选项三:无需额外软件即可加密文件或文件夹 (Option Three: Encrypt a File or Folder Without Extra Software)

Difficulty: Easy Level of Obscurity: Low Level of Security: Medium

难度 :容易混淆 :低安全 :中等

The only secure way to hide your files is through encryption. Encryption turns your data into an unintelligible mess unless you have the password. Windows contains a built-in way to encrypt files, and ties the password to your user account—so you can only see the files if you’re logged in as the right user.

隐藏文件的唯一安全方法是通过加密。 除非您具有密码,否则加密会将您的数据变成难以理解的混乱。 Windows包含一种加密文件的内置方法,并将密码与您的用户帐户相关联-因此,只有以正确的用户身份登录时,您才能看到文件。

You can see instructions for this in the “Encrypting Files Using the Encrypting File System” section of  (you’ll have to scroll down to the last section to see it). All you need to do is right-click on a file or folder, select Properties, go to Advanced, and check the Encrypt Contents to Secure Data checkbox.

您可以在 “使用加密文件系统加密文件”部分中看到有关 (您必须向下滚动到最后一部分才能看到它)。 您所需要做的就是右键单击文件或文件夹,选择“属性”,转到“高级”,然后选中“将内容加密以保护数据”复选框。

The only downside to this method is that it links the encryption to your user account. That means if your snooping sister tried to open the files from her Windows account, they wouldn’t open—but if you share an account, or if you step away from your computer while you’re logged in, she’d be able to see them just as easily as any other file on the PC. So make sure you lock the computer or log off every time you step away, or that encryption won’t stop anybody.

该方法的唯一缺点是它将加密链接到您的用户帐户。 这意味着,如果您的窥探姐姐试图从她的Windows帐户打开文件,则无法打开这些文件;但是,如果您共享一个帐户,或者在登录后离开计算机,她将能够打开文件。与PC上的任何其他文件一样容易看到它们。 因此,请确保您每次离开时都锁定计算机或注销,否则加密不会阻止任何人。

选项四:使用VeraCrypt创建受密码保护的文件夹 (Option Four: Create a Password-Protected Folder with VeraCrypt)

Difficulty: Medium Level of Obscurity: Low Level of Security: High

难度 :中度模糊 :低安全性 :高

If you need something a little more bulletproof than the above, we recommend creating a password-protected file container with . It takes a few more steps, but it’s still quite easy, and doesn’t require you to be super tech-savvy. And, unlike the above option, it’ll ask you for your password any time someone tries to access the files—no matter who’s logged in.

如果您需要比以上更多的防弹措施,建议您使用创建一个受密码保护的文件容器。 这还需要一些步骤,但是仍然很容易,并且不需要具备超级技术知识。 而且,与上述选项不同,无论有人登录,只要有人尝试访问文件,它都会询问您的密码。

Check out for step-by-step instructions on how to set up a password-protected file container. You’ll need to download a program and run through some quick setup, but as long as you follow the steps closely, you should have no problem—and your files will be protected from just about anyone that tries to access them. Just make sure you don’t forget the password, or you might get locked out of your files too!

请查看获取有关如何设置受密码保护的文件容器的分步说明。 您需要下载程序并进行一些快速设置,但是只要您按照这些步骤进行操作,就不会有问题-文件将受到保护,几乎所有试图访问它们的人都将受到保护。 只要确保您不要忘记密码,否则您也可能会被锁定在文件之外!


We know it isn’t always convenient to download extra software, but trust us: if you have something you want to hide, it’s absolutely worth it. Unlike Option Three, this will always ask for a password when you try to access the files—so even if you’re logged in or someone uses a live CD to access the computer, they won’t be able to get to your files. Just be sure to unmount the VeraCrypt container when you’re done using it, or they’ll be accessible to anyone if you step away from the computer.

我们知道下载额外的软件并不总是很方便,但是请相信我们:如果您要隐藏某些东西,那绝对值得。 与选项三不同,当您尝试访问文件时,这将始终要求输入密码-因此,即使您已登录或某人使用实时CD访问计算机,他们也将无法访问您的文件。 只要确保在使用完VeraCrypt容器后就将其卸载,否则如果您离开计算机,任何人都可以使用它们。

These aren’t the only way to hide or password protect a file in Windows, but they are some of the more popular. You could also , though that’s more ideal if you want to send the files to another person. The above four methods should work for most people, so good luck—and stay secure.

这些不是在Windows中隐藏文件或用密码保护文件的唯一方法,但是它们是一些更流行的方法。 您也可以 ,但是如果要将文件发送给其他人,这是更理想的选择。 以上四种方法对大多数人都适用,祝您好运,并保持安全。




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